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Triple R Café Hosts Literacy Everywhere! Event

Triple R Café in Rockford hosted the second community Literacy Everywhere! event on Monday, March 4. Parents and students were invited to a free spaghetti meal and to participate in literacy activities. Meg Masters, the project director of the Literacy Everywhere grant coordinated the event with the help of a team of teachers.
The literacy activity focused on sequencing and retelling the story Knuffle Bunny by Mo Willems. Mrs. Masters also explained that there was an “Easter egg” hidden in the story. Students and teachers had fun trying to find the one hidden by Willems during the read aloud. After the read aloud, families worked together to sequence the events from the story.
Special thanks to Matthew Reams of Triple R Cafe for hosting the event and providing the delicious meal.  
The final community Literacy Everywhere! event will be Monday, March 11 at the Weogufka Center from 5:30-7:00 pm. Mrs. Masters encourages any families who have not attended an event yet to come.